Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Pen Pal Girl

I was always interested in having pen pals when I was young. Even in high school, I was a pen pal to an English guy I met on a cruise one summer. Before that I had various pen pals from around the country. I don't remember how I got started writing to them, or even their names. I guess it has been too long and most of them were short lived correspondences. But, I remembered that feeling of anticipation receiving a letter from far away brings as I ripped open a letter from Africa today. My friend Amy is a missionary there and we've been writing back and forth for a year now at least. Every time I get a letter from her, I feel giddy. I can't wait to read her news and write back a letter of my own. Part of the reason I enjoy her letters so much is because she is a good friend that I know well...but a lot of the reason is also because that little envelope came all the way from Africa. Cool.

1 comment:

Surya said...

hey nice blog.. brought the memories of my childhood when me too had pen friends... it was such a grt time....

nice to bump into ur blog... wud luv to read the posts