Friday, August 25, 2006

Nothing Worse?

There's not much worse than being stuck in traffic. Except for being in the accident that caused all the back-up, I guess! I was driving the kids home from the grandparents and got hopelessly stuck on 635 today. I was in the HOV lane, but ours and all 4 lanes to the right of us were suddenly creeping ever so slowly. The kids were asleep. I was mildly aggitated about being stuck (I deeply regretted not choosing the other route home.) I called Cody. He looked it up and found that there was a car fire just ahead and only the far right lane was getting past. My lane wasn't moving any slower than the rest, and frankly we were packed in too tight to even attempt moving over to the right, so I stayed put. I was stuck about 30 minutes before I reached the scene. An officer was directing traffic, allowing each stuck lane a turn at getting through. When it was our turn, I drove by a gruesome scene. A large Brinks security truck was pulled over with a crushed front right bumper. An SUV lay on its roof, completely burned to a crisp. It was like a shell of a vehicle. I had never seen anything like it. I was praying that whomever had been in that thing had gotten out before the fire started. And I was also saying a prayer of thanks that I was only 30 minutes late getting home, and not rushing off to a hospital or staring at the blackened remains of my SUV, or worse.


Elaine said...

Ooh - I agree. I'm not used to this big city life yet. I was stuck in traffic last Friday during rush hour - late to pick up someone at the airport. I really lost my patience and drove about 1/2 a mile on the shoulder once my exit was in sight. Next time I'll bring a book on CD and count my blessings that I make it in one piece!

Anonymous said...

We got stuck today on 635 as well going to Women of Faith. I missed the entrance into the HOV lane and had to wait until the next one. My mom tried to get me to just cut over. Believe me lots of other cars were doing that, and two almost had a wreck trying. I told her that in the first place I wasn't going to break the law, but in the second place we are never in so big of a hurry that we forego safety. Believe me, there is enough other crazy people out there on the roads without me joining them! I think my accident has made me much less patient with other drivers who blatantly disobey speed limits, HOV lanes, whatever. I find myself wanting to see a lot more justice with a lot more police. Guess that's normal under the circumstances. I also have alot more compassion when I pass a wreck, everytime remembering God's grace for me. Keep safe.