Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Anyone remember?

I've heard a wives' tale before about predicting the gender of a baby by how generously the woman's rear end grows during pregnancy. But, I can't remember which gender it says the baby is if the woman gains a lot of weight in the butt area. The reason I'm asking is because I happened to notice tonight that my rear is enormous. I think I've gained more weight there than in my belly! Maybe the mirror is playing tricks on me tonight (oh how I hope...) but I think most of my extra pounds are going staight to the rear. Does anyone recall that particular baby gender prophesy?


carrie said...

I had not heard that so I decided to research it. Here is a website with various old wives tales. According to this it is false. Who knows!


Lindsay said...

I heard it is a girl that does that b/c that is exactly what happened to me! Further evidence my prediction is right! :)