Saturday, October 28, 2006

Church Sign

I saw a strange sign while driving today. So many churches have signs in front on which they post little sayings. The one I saw today said something like "Halloween is just a tradition, Hell is real so repent!" First of all, I fail to see how those two topics even relate to each other. Secondly, I can't stand blaring "repent or burn" type messages. I don't think they do anything to advance the Gospel or turn people toward God. On the topic of Halloween, I realize that some Christians do view it as a dangerous holiday. I see it as a fun day to play dress up, socialize with friends and neighbors, and spoil kids with some candy treats. I don't care how it began or if it once symbolized some kind of evil event. In my life, in my kids' lives, it's not related to that at all. Celebrations are what we make of them. They carry the meaning we assign to them. So, my little princess and frog will be enjoying seeing their friends and feasting on candy without any worries on my part about vile depravity seeping into their sweet hearts.


Amberly said...

And, the great thing is, they'll be seeing all their other little friends dressed up for Halloween... at CHURCH!! :)

I totally agree with you, Becky! I have felt this way for a LONG time & get so annoyed when the "origins of Halloween" are thrown in my face. Who cares?!?!

This is one of my soapboxes, so I'll go ahead & step down before I go too far...

Lynn Leaming said...

I guess I will admit that I care. Romans 14 tells us that we can have different opinions on things like Halloween and still honor God with our own opinions. I know that Halloween is fun for families and children and I have fond memories of participating in it as a child. But, I do think we live in a different time and era. It is not that I focus on how Halloween began but what has it become? So I think the bigger question is how can we redeem a Holiday that has become darker and darker for the Lord? I talked to two little girls at church this week who plan on being witches. I struggle with this even though I know it is pretend because the scripture says a couple of times that witchcraft is detestable to God, so why would we not want to encourage our children to dress up as something that pleases God? One of my sixth grade girls told me her friends were dressing up as "good" devils??Satan has used this holiday to neutrilize evil. While most of "our" families dress up as cute creatures, we know that many of the world want the goriest or scariest. The aspect I struggle with is the many verses telling us we are to be light in the dark (1 Peter 2:9, I Thess 5:5, Eph. 5:8, 2 Cor. 6;14, Romans 15:2)So, while I am thankful for Trunk or Treat, I think it is important as our children get older to help them understand there is a spiritual warfare going on and it is important that they honor God in all things and Halloween is one of the toughest times in my opinion to do that.

Lynn Leaming said...

I guess I will admit that I care. Romans 14 tells us that we can have different opinions on things like Halloween and still honor God with our own opinions. I know that Halloween is fun for families and children and I have fond memories of participating in it as a child. But, I do think we live in a different time and era. It is not that I focus on how Halloween began but what has it become? So I think the bigger question is how can we redeem a Holiday that has become darker and darker for the Lord? I talked to two little girls at church this week who plan on being witches. I struggle with this even though I know it is pretend because the scripture says a couple of times that witchcraft is detestable to God, so why would we not want to encourage our children to dress up as something that pleases God? One of my sixth grade girls told me her friends were dressing up as "good" devils??Satan has used this holiday to neutrilize evil. While most of "our" families dress up as cute creatures, we know that many of the world want the goriest or scariest. The aspect I struggle with is the many verses telling us we are to be light in the dark (1 Peter 2:9, I Thess 5:5, Eph. 5:8, 2 Cor. 6;14, Romans 15:2)So, while I am thankful for Trunk or Treat, I think it is important as our children get older to help them understand there is a spiritual warfare going on and it is important that they honor God in all things and Halloween is one of the toughest times in my opinion to do that. I do totally agree with you Becky that the church sign was not a positive message!

Elaine said...

well said, Becky! I can't wait to see some pics of the kids in costume!