Monday, October 16, 2006

Want to Write a Book?

If you have ever wanted to write a book- I have the perfect topic. Could somebody please write a good book explaining broken bones to the preschool audience? I went to the library today to get a book for Ava (and also her teacher thought it might be a good idea to have a book about broken bones to read to Ava's preschool class tomorrow since they might have a lot of questions regarding what happened to Ava) and this kind of book just does not exist. There were only a couple of books about broken bones at all, and they were for older kids (elementary- very wordy). So I checked Amazon thinking there must be a good book out there, and our library just doesn't have it. Nope. There isn't! Lots of kids break a bone before they are 5, and I can't believe there isn't a single good book out there to explain on their level what that means and what to expect.

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