Thursday, November 2, 2006

He Started It

There's not much better than a big, bear tight hug from your kids- when THEY are the ones that initiate it. Sometimes, Nate will want to crawl up into my lap, wrap his arms as tightly as possible around my neck, bury his face into me, and squeeze with all his might. And I let him hold it as long as he wants, because it's one of my favorite things. As parents, we pour loving words and touches into our kids from the very moment they are born. And one day, they not only reciprocate, they instigate a loving word or touch with us. And I am getting teary eyed right now thinking about those kind of hugs from Nate (probably because I am a hormonal pregnant woman who cries at the drop of a hat). I'm thinking about what a hug from Nate will feel like when he's an 8 year old, a 16 year old, when he graduates from college, or on his wedding day, and man I am bawling now. Seriously, I can barely see the keys to type. Got to go get a tissue.


Lindsay said...

You are so sweet. Kimber even initiates now and I love it so much. I love the slobbering tongue kisses she gives me on my cheek. :) The universal language is love.

Stephanie said...

I can't wait till Caleb can hug me back! I hug him all of the time, and he will sit still like he realizes that mom needs a hug instead of moving around like crazy like he normally does. I can't wait for the sweet hugs when he can hug back!