Ava must have been a good girl this year because Santa brought her the tater tots she requested. Both kids had piles of goodies awaiting them in their stockings. It was fun to see their excited faces.

Nate's favorite stocking toy was a cow flashlight. We've been hearing a lot of moo-ing around the house and often get caught in the spot light.

I got a new digital camera that has some amazing features. I loved experimenting with it. Here are my attempts at extreme close-ups. I've always wanted to be able to take photos of the kids faces like this.

Ava and Nate got lots of grandparent time with Cody's parents. Nate and Grandad did some horsing around while Ava and Granna read a story together Christmas night.

One more experimental photo- this new camera can take black and white photos but leave only one color untouched, in this case- red.

Merry Christmas to everyone!
Great pictures! I know you will really get good use out of your new camera. I had to laugh about the tater tots. I had meant to tell you that when we asked the kids in SONkids what they wanted for Christmas that is what Ava said and we all just snickered thinking it was so cute, and yet wondering if we really heard her right. Obviously we did. I am sure there is a "rest of the story" here, or perhaps she just loves tater tots. Blessings on your New Year.
I love the camera. That is really cool on the black and white with one color untouched - that is so perfect.
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