Sunday, January 21, 2007

Under-Belly Pants

Those that have never been pregnant may not realize that maternity pants come in several different types. Some pants rest under the enormous pregnant belly, others have a panel that roll up over the belly. This gapmaternity site has photos of the different styles, for reference. So now that we're all clear on the styles, let me say that I don't get along with maternity pants that rest under the belly. I didn't know I hated them, until I bought several pairs and have struggled with them over the past few months. I still wear them, because I've got to wear something and I only have a couple of great over the belly pants. The problem is that under the belly pants constantly slip down because there is nothing to hold them up. The perfect non-pregnancy example of this is old men with beer bellies. They must either wear suspenders or risk being footage on America's Funniest Home Videos. Pants that rest under the belly fall down- there's no getting around it. It gets so annoying that I've considered duct taping my pants to my belly so I don't have to heave them up all the time. Of course, removal might be painful. Then I'd have one more thing to complain about.


Elizabeth Mai said...

I have NEVER found a great pair of maternity pants that I don't mind wearing!! I have mostly under-belly pants, but I agree with your assesment! I spend at least half my day hiking up my pants, making sure my belly isn't hanging out of the bottom of my shirt, or making sure I don't look like a plumber when I bend down!

Amberly said...

Ewwww... I hated the under-belly pants! I very rarely wore those type. I got lots of great hand-me-downs, so I had several old-fashioned maternity pants with the elastic panels in them. And, even though it was definitely not the current style, they were so much more comfortable! Well, as comfortable as maternity pants can be...

Lindsay said...

Over the belly pants are much better. The under belly are only good for early on in the pregnancy when you don't need so much support. Under belly late pregnancy does not work.

Stephanie said...

Ok, I guess I am the only one who liked under-belly pants. I absolutely could not stand my pants being up on my belly. It just felt really uncomfortable to me, so I went with the under-belly pants.