Monday, November 26, 2007

The Answer

Sometimes when I am eating a strange combination of foods that tastes good I wonder to myself, "Who in the world ever thought to combine these foods?" I've thought it while eating cheese and mayonnaise sandwiches, celery and cream cheese, chocolate and peanut butter, just to name a few. Today I finally found the answer to this question. I know who must have invented every strange, yet good tasting food combination on the planet, and probably quite a few not so good tasting combos as well. It was desperate mothers with an almost empty fridge and young children hungrily awaiting their breakfast. I found myself in that predicament this morning. We've been out of town several days and our food supply was extremely depleted. I looked into the fridge to find peanut butter, cream cheese, a tortilla, and guacamole. That was about it, other than condiments. Ava kept asking, "When can we have our breakfast??" I kept stalling, "Soon, honey..." as I frantically tried to think of something edible that I could whip up for them. Just as I was about to create cream cheese peanut butter tortilla roll-ups I snapped out of it and realized I should probably just drive through McDonalds on the way to school and pick up two biscuits. And that is what I did. Now the world may never know how wonderful cream cheese peanut butter tortilla roll-ups are.
Lucas and I hit the grocery store first thing after dropping the kids at school. As I unloaded our overflowing cart I kept thinking, "Why don't they get rid of this stupid conveyor belt so people can pull their carts right up to the checker. Then, the checker could take each item out as they scan it and I wouldn't have to unload all one million items onto this dumb conveyor belt." And today I didn't tell the bagger to keep the raw meat separate. I usually say it. But I hate to say it because I feel like I am insulting people's intelligence. I mean, doesn't everybody know that ground beef doesn't belong in the same bag as my grapes? Do they not harp on that fact during bagger training? Apparently not. Because I did not say anything today and my raw meat purchases wound up scattered all over, rubbing their disgusting bacteria all over my other groceries. Yuck. I actually prefer it when the store is really busy and I get to bag my own groceries. I happen to be an excellent bagger. I know how to balance bags perfectly and put like things together. I'm quick, too, and the bonus is that I know where everything is when I am unloading the bags later. I challenge anyone to a bagging competition.

1 comment:

Lynn Leaming said...

So guess you could just shop at Sack N Save and always have the blessing of bagging your own groceries OR there is that self check out system (but with Lucas I bet that would be hard). I was going to make pancakes this morning and had no milk :( so had to get creative too.