I love it when the song on my car radio or CD player ends right as I pull into my garage. The rare perfection of arriving home at the precise end of a song gives me a little high.
Along the same lines, I am super pleased when a bottled ingredient (like vegetable oil or vanilla) is perfectly emptied as I pour the amount I need for the recipe. No need to open another one. No need to put the bottle with a tiny amount back into the pantry. So nice.
I too like to see men in the coveralls as my dad wore them frequently as does Don on a cold day. And having a song end just as you arrive home is true music karma! BUT.........where are pictures of my youngest grandson on his birthday??????
I feel like those last two things never happen to me. That's why I have to always have a back-up bottle of whatever when the original gets low. It never fails that I have to open the new one right in the middle of making something. Also, sometimes I sit in the car for a few seconds to let a song end that I've been listening to.
I sort of like coveralls too! My brother wanted a pair when he was in high school. Not sure if he would want some now. Some of the men at my dad's church would wear them while they were doing Pit Stop which I always thought was kind of cool. Some random thoughts about coveralls for you!
Funny you should write about his now. I was just telling Jake about how my grandpa always wore coveralls - on the farm and at home. Coveralls remind me of him. He was a very quiet man and hard to get to know but he had such a sweet spirit.
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