Friday, August 29, 2008

Flying By

My how this week has flown! It feels like I just posted about Ava starting Kindergarten a few hours ago and here an entire week has gone by. For those who have asked about her first week- she has loved it! Every day she comes out of school with a big smile on her face and she can't wait to go back the next day. I am not sure what she does all day there because I can't get much information out of her. The few things she has told me about it:

Ethan had to sit in time out the second day of school, and the third day he had to go to the office. Uh-oh. Things aren't looking so hot for Ethan. I don't know who he is...but I think Kindergarten has been a big adjustment for him.

In art class they "didn't do any art at all!" Ava told me they sat there and talked about the art room and the rules. Then she said, "I think art class is another name for disappointment!" Hahahahahaha. Where did she get that line? Way to make a first impression, art teacher!

On the playground they play "poison the princess" and Ava accidentally ate a leaf during this game. I tried to find out more about this leaf-eating incident but was met with dead ends.

She practiced skipping in P.E.

She told me that she has to be good because there are "cameras watching her all the time." Sounds like a threat from Brave New World. Not sure this is the best course for ensuring good behavior from 5 year olds. I wonder if she heard this from her teacher, other students, or if she somehow confused some normal information.

Anyway, the week has gone by so fast and I am just happy that she is enjoying her time at school. I am looking forward to Meet the Teacher Night next week so I can finally get an idea of what her schedule is like during the day.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering how it all went...glad to hear she loves it. I think most kindergardeners are lacking on the details because we have a home video of my dad asking me what we did at school after my first day of kindergarden. I said "nothing." You should see the look on his face after that!

carrie said...

I am glad she loves it. It is a little odd to have meet the teacher after school has already started. We do that before school so that we can get the rules and schedules.

Amberly said...

So glad she likes it! I love her one liners... she's hysterical!

And, poor Ethan. I'm afraid I might know what his mom is going through...

Lindsay said...

Yes, I remember my parents asking me how my day was at school and I told them I learned to yawn a lot. Which is funny b/c I loved school. :) Glad it all went well. Dara had just told me that story about art - yes Becky, there is a mini Becky in Ava. :)

Christina said...

This is precious - especially the Art class comment :)! I'm glad that she is enjoying it. Time does fly!

Quad Squad! said...

Oh, how fun! Actually, that makes me kinda excited about my kids starting school in a few years! I hope I have four like Ava and none like Ethan!