Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's Almost Here

So here is the cold, hard matter how I've tried to ignore it, or pretend it isn't really approaching, my baby is starting Kindergarten in 4 days. I knew this was coming. I've known for a long time. But I have pushed it out of mind because I haven't wanted to deal with it.

I have some fond memories from my own Kindergarten experience. My grandma's sister was my teacher. Is that my Great-Aunt? We strung large beads onto thick string. I won a hula hoop contest. At the Christmas gift exchange I received a rag doll that I still have in a box in a closet upstairs. It was a half day of school, and my grandpa drove me there each morning in his old beat up white Chevrolet pick up. I sang my heart out every morning on the drive to school. I don't remember what songs I sang, maybe I even made them up.

What will Ava remember from her year of Kindergarten? Well, she won't remember her mother sobbing like a baby because I plan to do that after I drop her off.

All the other mothers know what I am talking about. In fact, I am thinking a support group is in order. We could drop our kids off for the first day of school, then meet to cry on each other's shoulders. And I know it'll be before noon, but I might could use a stiff drink. And then, we could pray. I plan on doing a bunch of praying for my little girl. I've been under the illusion for 5 years now that I am kind of in control of her life (wrong, I know...) and now that illusion has been painfully revealed. She's growing up. It's happening so fast. It's a freight train barreling out of control, people!

OK, take a deep breath. Pull it together. You aren't the first to go through this. Others have watched their baby walk through the school doors and lived to tell about it. This is do-able.



carrie said...

When Todd went to kindergarten I cried like a baby. There were several friends that had kids going at the same time. We had a "Boo-Hoo Breakfast" that morning to help support each other. It made things easier because we had something to distract us. I will keep you and Ava in my prayers on that day!

Jenni said...

I've also heard several other moms talk about some sort of breakfast gathering for the kindergarten moms to cry together before they head home!

How is the move going?

Brandy said...

The first grade moms at our school planned a breakfast for the kindergarten moms. But I did't get emotional until later after I picked him up. He had fallen asleep on the way home and as I carried him in it hit me--he thinks he is such a big kid yet he is still my baby boy! It was a very sweet moment that I will always remember.

Anonymous said...

I believe you will make it but I do hope things go well for you on Monday. I think Ava will do great! She's growing up, which is what she's supposed to do (despite what we'd like!) and she's such a delightful, smart and talented little girl. That should make you really proud.

Lynn Leaming said...

I am so impressed that you can remember kindergarten! The first grade I remember is 5th grade! I will keep you and all our other kindergarten moms in my prayers on Monday. I know that Lord will give you all the strength to make it through. He's got your babies in His hands :)