Thursday, September 11, 2008


My friend Allison recently posted on 6 quirks. (It is a tag going around.)
This made me think about the quirks I have, and whether or not I would be willing to share them with the blog world. Apparently, I am willing.

1. I have an irrational fear of landings. If I am in a plane, take-offs and cruising at 30,000 feet don't bother me. Landing, however, is a different story. I turn pale, grip my armrest or some unlucky person, and almost hyperventilate. I HATE landings.

2. I sometimes memorize random license plates on cars as I drive around. This way, I'll be ready to give the information to the police if that car happens to cause an accident or is involved in a crime. To date, this has come in handy zero times. But I still do it.

3. I tend to read magazines backwards. It just feels right to flip the pages the opposite direction.

4. If I need to gather my sense of direction, I almost always say "Never Eat Sour Watermelons" (the phrase I was taught in elementary school to help remember North, East, South, and West) in my head as I physically look in each direction. I know, it's pathetic.

5. I am afraid of those white panel vans that have no rear windows. I assume they are all up to no good. They may be innocently driving to the next paint job, but in my mind they are looking for children to kidnap.

6. I stretch my toes. Whenever I am not wearing shoes, I have a habit of stretching out my toes every so often, especially if I am just sitting watching t.v. or typing on the computer. It's just a strange habit.

There they are. 6 quirks, some quirkier than others. I could probably think of more if I spent more time on it. Or maybe some of you could point out a few of my quirks to me. That was not an invitation by the way. But feel free to list your own quirks in comments or on your own blog!


Brandy said...

Since I don't have my own blog I'll share one of my quirks on yours. I pop my toes almost every night when I got to bed. It grosses Phillip out but he is still married to me even after 12 years of it!

Quad Squad! said...

I'm so glad you shared! You're just as quirky as you've always been! And I love you for it! But I have to say I dont think the directions one is a quirk because I do that too (although I say Never Eat Shredded Wheat, which is better because it rhymes!) and I'll bet we aren't the only two people doing it!

Brandy said...

Okay, I have two more....both go along with two others (as my first one did) of yours. One, when remembering the order of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I say 'God eats popcorn.' And secondly, I also notice liscence plates but not to memorize them. Instead I try to find initials or birthdays of family members or friends. TN's plates have 3 numbers followed by 3 letters so it's really easy to do. I always get excited when I find something too!

Anonymous said...

I hear "Never Eat Soggy Waffles" in my head. If 3 people are admitly doing it, is it a quirk or something most people do, but just don't talk about??