Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Ever since Sonic put plastic compasses and lanterns in their kid's meals, Ava has been obsessed with camping. It's her favorite type of pretend play. So when our church had a family camp out planned, we signed up to go. We figured the entire family would enjoy it. I had no basis for that assumption, though, because I had never been camping in my life. Thankfully, our friends Chris and Stephanie invited us to share their RV for the weekend. That meant Lucas and I could sleep inside a climate-controlled environment with a bathroom literally 1 foot from our bed. (I know, some would say this doesn't qualify as true camping, but don't rain on my parade, ok?) Meanwhile, Cody, Ava, and Nate slept under the stars in a tent a few yards from the RV. Our two families had a wonderful weekend together. Here are a few photos of everyone.

Lucas attacks a piece of breakfast sausage.

Gathering around the picnic table.

Looking cute on the fishing pier.

I actually caught a fish, and Ava caught 2. Let's hear it for girl power!

Ava and her catch. This girl spent an entire morning fishing without getting tired.

A deer came right up to our campsite.

My absolute favorite part of camping? The campfire, and all it entails (read: s'mores and roasted marshmallows), minus the smoke in my face.

Chris and Caleb cuddling by the campfire.

I can't wait for our next opportunity to go camping. I might even be up for trying a shelter or a tent. Although, I must admit, an RV is really nice.


Heather said...

I am glad you guys had fun! Camping can be such a great family experience!

Lynn Leaming said...

One of my funny stories happened when some girlfriends and I went camping and were sitting around the fire ring when someone said "Lynn, are your shoes smoking?" I had kept them on the ring too long and they were actually melting!! I love camping, keep trying to talk Steve into renting an RV and traveling around the country, but no luck so far. Glad ya'll had a good time.