Friday, January 23, 2009


We hear coyotes fairly often here around the new house. They must run around by the creek. About once a week during the evening or even late at night, we'll hear a pack of them calling. They don't exactly howl like I always imagined they did. Their call is more like a child screaming. In fact, when I first started hearing them there were times that I could not figure out what was making that sound. Here, take a listen and see if you might be confused at 2 AM and think this might be some children in trouble...

Coyote Howls

It reminds me of the confusing call a peacock makes. The reason I know about the confusing call of peacocks is because my mom and her husband have them in their yard in rural Midland, TX. So one summer when I stayed with them for a few nights I was constantly jumping every time a peacock called because it sounds exactly like a person yelling, "Help!" Even after a while, when the mind knows deep down it's only a peacock, the body still jumps into alert mode at the sound of, "Help!" Listen for yourself:

Peacock Call

I hear enough screams and cries for help from my three kids. I don't really need the wildlife adding to that for me.

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