Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Chalk it up to chance, or the whim of a friend, but here I am doing something I never planned to do: knitting.

My friend Erin asked me to go with her to the monthly knitting club meeting at the library last Saturday. We had no idea what to expect. It turned out to be a lovely group of women (and one man) of all ages doing all kinds of needlework. My friend expressed interest in learning how to knit and before we could blink, a sweet woman had us sitting at a table with knitting needles in hand. She was so patient, and we were so thick-headed. But it finally started to click. I went home inspired to knit a scarf. And when I say knit, I really mean that exclusively. I learned two basic stitches: knit and purl which can be used together in all sorts of ways to produce patterns and textures. However, I am only using the knitting stitch to make my scarf in order to keep it very simple.

The lesson we received at the library was thorough, but I've had to look a few things up in order to refresh my memory. Thankfully, I have the most modern, cutting edge reference booklet in my possession.

Can you believe someone just gave that away for free on the discard table at the knitting club? I can't knock it too much though, because it has excellent illustrations and has made it possible for me to keep going on my own.

Knitting is so different from my usual modus operandi crochet. It seems slower but I am unsure if that is mostly because of my lack of experience. I haven't completely made up my mind about it yet, but I am glad I picked up a new skill to play around with.

1 comment:

Erin said...

You crack me up!! Thanks for being such a willing friend!!