Thursday, October 25, 2012

Family Photos

My friend Rachel is so talented.  I knew she would capture our family perfectly, and she did!  I have been looking forward to seeing these photos we took a couple of weeks ago since the minute we finished the photo I'm excited to be looking through them now.

Check out her website at Rachel Cooke Photography.

Just a quick word on the outfits.  Choosing our clothes for this photo shoot nearly drove me crazy.  Just ask Erin, Greta, and Rachel who all witnessed the craziness and had to help me through some issues and talk me down from some ledges.  I had "jewel tones" in my mind, but the original shirts I chose made our family look like a walking rainbow.  I tweaked the color scheme a little and came up with the above...which is more fall-ish and less rainbow I think.  I purchased about 2-3 shirts per person and mixed it up every which way before finally deciding.  After all the drama (and expense!) I can thankfully say I am very happy with the way it turned out!

Thank you, Rachel, for working your magic and preserving these priceless memories for us!


Rachel said...

Totally my pleasure. It was seriously one of the best sessions ever. I loved it. And I love you guys!

Lauren C. said...

Great pictures!

Brenda said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE these pictures!!!! Each and every one PRICELESS!!! We LOVE this family too Rachel and you did an awesome job.

belinda said...

GREAT pics! great-looking family!

Lindsay said...

Great pictures! My how the kids are growing. Much love!!