Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Milestone Moment

I wondered and wondered when Lucas would start reading.  I know, he's only 5 1/2 and well within the normal range for learning to read.  But, I admit I was slightly worried about it because Ava and Nate were both reading before they even started school.  Since the first two started reading so young, I wondered why Lucas had not done the same.  Turns out he was just waiting until he was good and ready (and interested) in it.  He likes to do things on his own timetable.  And just like the other two, when he started he took off like a rocket.

I picked up some beginning reader books called Bob Books from the library yesterday.  These are so great.  They are small, have stick figure illustrations, and don't really look like much...but they are fabulous!  There are 12 in each set, and the sets start at a very basic level and increase in difficulty.  I got the first set just for kicks.  Lucas was proud to carry it to the van and told me he was getting one out to read.

My response?  Okay honey...I'll help you with it at home.  I was thinking there's no way he can read this on his own, I hope he doesn't get too frustrated before I can help him at home.  He took out a book and I heard Mmmmm aaaaaa kuh.  Mac.  My eyes shot to the rear view mirror.  What??  Did you just sound out that word, Lucas?  He proceeded to read the entire book, sounding out words he wasn't sure of right away.  Meanwhile I was crying with joy and trying not to wreck the van while squealing encouragement.  He was actually reading!

He read another book in the car.  Then he read one on the computer to his grandparents.  He read one to Cody last night.  He took one to read to his Kindergarten teacher today.  He's a reading machine!
Just see for yourself...


Rachel said...

So exciting! Good job, Lucas!

Carol said...

video won't play..get a message that says "This video is private" I assume Rachel was able to see it. hmmm?

Green-Eyed Mama said...

Way to go, Lucas!

Unknown said...

is the link to the video working now? i think i fixed the problem...

Carol said...

yes! just watched it! can't wait for him to read to us.

Brenda said...

Lucas, we are so proud of you! We love how you sound out each word. Looking forward to hearing you read again soon!

Woody and Brenda