Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A twinge...

We got our alumni magazine in the mail yesterday. There was a large article about a guy I graduated with who is now a choir teacher in TN. The article told about how he has built a music program from scratch and is composing music also. I saw that another friend of mine that was in my program is on the board of a music association. Yet another music major friend I know has been involved with performing at her local opera house. Suddenly I felt a twinge of...well, I am not sure how to describe it. I am not using my music degree right now and I may never use it again. I am not involved with anything musical at the moment, when that used to be one of the largest areas of my life. I know I am busy raising kids, but there's room for other things. Why haven't I searched out some sort of musical outlet? I've had the thought before, but I push it back. It may stem from a problem I've always had, of feeling deep down that I am not really good enough, so it's better not to try then to get my hopes up and fail. I need to think about it some more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Becky, you're crazy. Of course you're good enough! If you lack anything, it's self-confidence! By the way, did you also see in the alumni mag that Daryl and Rebecca had a baby? I didn't know if you guys were still in touch and I didn't want you to miss it! Love, Ali