Sunday, July 30, 2006

Countdown to 30

I only have 3 days left of my 20's. I'm not sad about it, although I am a little surprised. 30 just always seemed so far away. It was a distant number that I knew I'd reach eventually, but I didn't realize just how quickly it would arrive. I told a friend recently that I honestly believe I could still pass as a high schooler. I know that is such a naive, if not delusional thing to say. I do think I could, until I take a long look in the mirror at my greying hairs, subtle crow's feet and laugh lines. Then reality sinks in. I'm just not high school material. The good thing is, that's OK with me! I can happily say good-bye to my teens and twenties and embrace the thirties whole-heartedly. Someone told me once that they felt like they finally acheived being their authentic self in their 30's. No more of that uncertainty, longing to be accepted, striving for independence, wishy-washy, who am I junk. Every day I feel like I grow away from that and into more of a confident woman. I've taken some risks, fallen on my face, overcome some big disappointments, basked in immeasurable joy, made some difficult choices, taken on huge responsibitity, sacrificed, received gifts of tremendous love, seen amazing grace and amazing cruelty, and somehow along the way have begun to piece together what it means to be me. I'm not saying I have it all figured out yet. I think 30 more years will certainly help. Now 60- that REALLY seems far away, but look how quickly 30 got here.

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