Monday, September 18, 2006

Really, I'm not lying!

We get calls from creditors fairly often. Not for US, mind you! The people they ask for must have had our phone number before we got it FIVE FREAKING YEARS AGO. (Does anyone say freaking anymore, or am I the only one?) The main thing that bothers me about these calls is that when I inform the person that those people don't live here, nor do I know who they are, and I have had this phone number for 5 years now, I always feel like they think I am lying. They don't say it, but I can sense it in their tone of voice. The calls are becoming less frequent lately. Thank goodness! We used to get a ton of those recorded messages on our answering machine that only say "Please call 1-800-blah blah blah concerning an urgent matter." or something like that. I would ignore them, but if they are ignored they just keep on coming. So then, I started calling them (they are creditors). When I would call, I would tell them who they were probably calling for (and I would be right) since I got calls for those people all the time and that I was not those people and please never call my number again. So- Larry and Elaine Bettis- this post is for you! There are a few folks looking for you two!


Elaine said...

5 years? Thats freaking ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

I don't say freakin, because it is too close to another "f" word.

Amberly said...

I say "freaking" because it isn't the "f" word!