Friday, September 29, 2006

Stupid and Crazy

I saw some people today that fit the desciption of my title perfectly. I was driving the kids home from their grandparents' house when suddenly traffic began to back up. It didn't take long before I saw the cause of the back-up. There were two cars stopped in the left lane as their drivers stood by the cars writing and trading insurance information. That's stupid. There's a law that in a non-injury accident, if the cars are able to be driven, they must be pulled to the side of the road immediately. Apparently most people don't know this because I see post-accident people standing with their cars in the middle of traffic all the time. Most of all, in this case, it was crazy because 635 is a mega 5 lane highway where most cars travel over 70 mph. You could not pay me enough to park and stand in the left lane. That's practically begging to be run over.

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