Friday, October 13, 2006


Cody has taken Ava to get her arm x-rayed just now. She fell off our bed yesterday from a standing position and hit the nightstand on her way down. I didn't see it happen, but I heard the loud thud. Ever since it happened, she will not move her right arm. At first I thought her arm was hurt. Then I started thinking it was her rib cage and breast bone area instead. Now I am unsure. I took her to the pediatrician this morning. He couldn't pinpoint the cause of her pain either. The immobility of her arm concerned him though, so he wants x-rays to rule out an arm injury. If indeed her arm is uninjured, then we know it is a rib cage injury, and there is no treatment for that really. I guess we'll have some answers later this afternoon. The strange thing is that there is not a mark on her. No bruise, swelling, or anything. I know she must have hit hard so I can't figure out why there's no bruising.


Elaine said...

I hope you have answers soon and that Ava is better quickly!

carrie said...

What did the doctors find? That is something we have not had to encounter. Hope things are fine.