Thursday, May 10, 2007

3 Months

It's hard to believe that Lucas has been around for a quarter of a year. It's the strange way of parenting that allows one to see their child as so big and so small at the same time. In lots of ways he is growing fast. He's heavy and tall for one thing, and so alert. He smiles and coos. But he is such a little one also, wanting to be held all the time and still waking a few times every night. "Little one" is my pet name for him, although he's quite a chunk and will probably demand I stop calling him that once he figures out how to talk.
As Mother's Day approaches, I think of how blessed I am to have three beautiful loving children. And although the house is a constant disaster zone, I can barely manage to groom myself each day, and I haven't had an uninterrupted night of sleep in five years (okay, that is a slight exaggeration...very slight) I wouldn't trade this for anything.


Irene said...

ditto! Happy Mother's Day, Becky!

Lindsay said...

Could it be three months already! I told Jake sometimes I am so tired with three little ones demanding so much of myself but then I think I am going to cry when they don't need me as much anymore. I would rather deal with too much than too little. :) I love this time! Like you said it is only a season of our life.

Love you