Sunday, December 9, 2007

It's Art

There are 2 things in my neighborhood currently that are cracking me up.

One of them I plan to take a picture of tomorrow and post about. Unfortunately I missed my chance to take a picture of the other one. Some neighbors have an interesting scene set up in their front yard this year. There are three large lighted figurines; Joseph, Mary and Baby Jesus in a cradle. And right behind them is a Christmas tree with lights on it. All this sits smack in the middle of their yard. The funny part is that the Christmas tree never stays standing straight. This entire weekend, it was leaning toward the nativity scene, as if it were about to fall on them. When Cody and I drove by the other night I started laughing about it and Cody joked, "It's art, honey. Can't you see that it stands for the commercial consumerism of Christmas crushing the true meaning of Christmas?" And it did look as if someone were trying to make an artistic statement. Then today when we drove by that house, the tree was leaning in the total opposite direction, but the figure of Joseph had fallen a bit and was laying over the Baby Jesus as if to protect the child from harm. So then we joked about how Joseph had flung himself over the cradle to protect the baby from the falling Christmas tree (even though it was falling in the other direction now.) Needless to say, this particular yard decoration has become a favorite running joke of ours because we never know how it will look next.

Stay tuned for crazy yard decoration number 2 tomorrow. It's worth the wait. And I promise, no one else in this city, probably this state, most likely the entire country, has anything like it.

1 comment:

Lynn Leaming said...

Can't wait!!