Tuesday, December 4, 2007

This is the end...

In the words of Don Henley, "This is the end of the innocence."

Once upon a time, a little baby nursed exclusively. Those times were easy on his mama, except for the entire waking up four times a night issue. As the baby grew older, he began to eat cereals and jars of baby food. This also was easy on his mama. He opened his little mouth wide and eagerly devoured the array of pureed foods presented to him. Then, he became restless during nursing, outgrew those jars of baby food, and was ready to graduate to finger foods and regular table fare. Thus began the nightmare. First his poor mama racked her brain trying to think of healthy, age appropriate, safe foods to feed the little one. Then, he systematically threw every bit of food offered into the floor, except for grapes and cheese. Although occasionally he threw those down also, just for fun. Whatever foods he did not throw to the ground he smashed all over his hands and face. At most meals, only about a tenth of the food offered actually made it into his mouth, and some of that was returned with one quick thrust of his tongue. The mama remembered all the words of wisdom regarding the fact that a baby may refuse food the first 7 or 8 times it is offered, and then miraculously start eating it. So, she kept offering the same foods over and over again. The baby enjoyed picking these pieces of food up one by one and tossing them casually into a pile on the floor. The mama started to pull her hair out. Then the mama, who absolutely cannot stand dogs, considered getting one just so she would not have to constantly clean up chunks of food from the floor. Then, she regained her senses, picked up her precious baby, and let him smear his food stained mouth all over her shoulder. He'll learn one day, she reminded herself as he grinned up at her with a twinkle in his big brown eyes.


Quad Squad! said...

We've considered a dog for the very same reason! I tell Jim the most depressing thing I ever do is mop the floor! It will just be dirty again in 2 hours! It's a good thing they're so darn cute, isn't it!

Anonymous said...

We used to call our dog the "vaccuum cleaner" for this reason. It's funny that they all do that.

Lindsay said...

Oh yes! I love my dog for other reasons but what an advantage it is to have him help clean. I have never felt to exasperated by a mess b/c Barney will eat most of it. I miss him so much when he is visiting grandparents and I actually have to clean. I totally understand your pain - too bad cats don't do the same thing, that would have helped you out.

Elaine said...

clever and funny! you paint a great picture :)

Dara said...

Yes, that is one of the most redeeming qualities of Miss DJ...she cleans up food messes really well! Feeding little ones is such fun!!!! ha! :) Maybe rethink the dog... hmmmm. Or just borrow ours until baby gets through this fun phase!