Saturday, January 5, 2008

Ava's Song

I feel like I write about the strange/funny/crazy things Ava says all of the time, but it is such a regular occurrence, and it's so doggone funny that I can't help it.
Tonight as we sat eating dinner, Ava suddenly starting singing a cute catchy tune I had never heard before. As I listened, she sang:

"I'm growing up, I'm growing every day. I'm growing up, I'm growing every day.
And when I'm all grown up, I'll drop dead."

I almost spit out my food at that last line. "Where did you learn that song?" I asked. "Oh, I just made it up." was her reply. I don't doubt it. She's been thinking more about dying recently. She told Cody the other day that our elderly neighbor Ms. Julie was going to die because she had lines in her cheeks. She explained that having lines on your cheeks means you are really old and really old people die. I was glad she told this to Cody and not Ms. Julie.


Kasey Lane McCollum said...

that is hilarious. i hope i dont get lines on my face anytime soon. i cant wait to have kids and watch how their little minds work. she is so cute.

carrie said...

Todd has been very interested in death lately. I found out a few days later that a little girl in his class had lost a grandad just as school started and a dad over fall break. She was so upset that she would yell out in class, "Oh no, I think my mom died and now there is no one left". No wonder death was worrying him! Love the song, though!

Lindsay said...

That is hilarious!!! I could not stop laughing for a couple of minutes. Ava is so classic - tell Cody that yes she can be classic even though she is not Greek! :)

Elaine said...
