Thursday, September 18, 2008

Contact Sport

Here's a fact every mother knows hurt. As in, they hurt you physically...often. Yesterday I thought my boys were going to kill me. First, Lucas hit me on the shin with a plastic bat. It really hurt. In fact, I thought nothing could hurt worse! That was until about 3 hours later when Nate hit me on the shin with a heavy metal flashlight.

They aren't trying to hurt us. But they are rough, and slightly lacking in an understanding of personal space. Lucas loves to suddenly throw his head backwards sometimes while sitting seemingly docile in my lap. One time I could have sworn he had broken my nose.

I get my hair pulled, toes stepped on, head butted, and more. Before I had kids, when I would picture motherhood in my mind, I usually thought of baking cookies, and snuggling while reading books. It never occurred to me that there would also be moments comparable to gladiator matches. And it certainly would have never occurred to me that I would most often be the loser in those kinds of interactions.

Maybe they are just trying to get me back for the times I accidentally bonked their heads on the car door frame while trying to put them in their car seats. Though I was hoping they wouldn't remember that. Or maybe they just have 400 times more energy than I do combined with a dose of clumsiness.

Whatever the cause, I now accept that every day I place my life in danger just to care for their basic needs. But, it's a risk I am willing to take. And if I can get them to middle school without a trip for myself to the emergency room, then I think I've done well.


Roger Cook said...

#3 almost caused her own death once.

I was lifting her onto my shoulders when she started bicycling and caught my nose with her heel. I staggered, but didn't drop her or fall down.

Heather said...

Kenna hasn't even been around that long (and is a girl) and I have already thought she was going to bloody my lip a few times.

I too hope you avoid any trips to the ER!! :)

Jenn M said...

Ahhhh, being a mother has a few surprises, doesn't it? I almost killed myself on a skateboard a few months back. And, I am always getting tackled, head butted and hit with swords! I feel your pain!

Stephanie said...

I am constantly defending myself against Caleb! He LOVES to climb all over me, so he is constantly doing something to hurt me. The thing that I fear the most is his hard head hitting my mouth, nose, or really anywhere. Any time his head is around me, I am on the defensive!

Brooke said...

I got a bloodied lip yesterday while doing Audrey's hair. It was all my fault though. As I was holding her ponytail in one hand, I was stretching the hairband with other, using my teeth to grasp it. Of course, it snapped and I look like I've been in a fight today.

Quad Squad! said...

I've had more near-nose-breaking episodes than I want to think about! And I'm endlessly covered in bruises from being run into with dump trucks and climbed on and jumped on and tripped, etc! We should get hazard pay!