Sunday, February 17, 2008

Idiot Box

So often, I hear people complain that tv is a waste of time. It would be much better to read a book. And I just don't buy it. What makes reading more worthy than watching tv? Is reading a trashy romance novel better for a person than watching an hour of the History channel? I don't like the assumption that reading is always a better alternative because really, reading can have some of the same bad effects of tv when you think about it. I read a lot of books over the course of a year. Some are noble and informative, others are pure entertainment. Has my reading ever interfered with time I could have spent with family and friends? Has reading ever been an escape? Probably. But the argument is that your mind is better used reading then dully watching tv programs. Maybe. But like I mentioned there are different qualities of books and tv programs. I just don't think you can assume that reading is always a better use of time than watching tv. The best use of time is really neither when you get down to it. I can think of a lot of things more important than books or I guess it comes down to balance and priorities. And not snobbily declaring reading the best use of free time ever.

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