Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

It's early Christmas morning and I am sitting in my in-laws' living room...the only one awake in the house.  I wasn't sleeping well, so I decided to just get up, snuggle on the couch under a quilt, and borrow my father-in-law's laptop.  I'm thinking about the excitement that will soon fill the room.  The kids are going to love running in here to see their stockings so full that the contents spill out around them.  There are going to be happy smiles all around.  There will be laughing, especially when everyone discovers that my sister-in-law and I bought her husband the exact same gift...2 nice outdoor camping chairs from Cabelas.  She and I discovered it last night and had a great laugh.  He didn't ask for those or anything, it is just a chance in a million thing.  But she is glad about it because a set of 4 will be perfect.  If only we had gotten the same color!  Oh well.  There will be great food, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can get a Christmas Day nap this afternoon.  I know my family and friends all over the globe are enjoying this special day as well.  Many are in my thoughts and in my heart.  I wish all of you a truly Merry Christmas.

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