Monday, January 12, 2009

Baby Shower

This weekend I was happy to celebrate with my sister-in-law at her baby shower. My little nephew is due at the end of February. Just look at this cake. Adorable. My sister-in-law's dad is a pilot and aviation runs in their family, so this cake is perfect.

Notice the linking rings in the vase. I am totally stealing this idea sometime.

My beautiful sister-in-law reading the sweet card that Ava made (see the post before this.)

Here is the quilt that my mother-in-law made for the baby. My children all have a beautiful handmade quilt also. It is such a treat.

Here's Ava girl looking cute. She was a tiny bit restless during the shower, but overall I think she enjoyed it.
Aunt Lauren and Ava after all the gifts have been opened. By the way, one of the gifts was the most beautiful blue sweater outfit I have ever seen. That outfit alone was enough to make me consider having one more baby.

And now, folks, we come to the comic relief of this post. I decided to crochet a baby afghan for my baby nephew. I wanted him to have something handmade from his Aunt. Something he could hug on, cuddle with, drag around the house. I worked long and hard on this. And after I finished the very last stitch, I proudly laid it out on the floor to have a look. I was immediately horrified to see that it was not squared at all. One of the long sides is totally misshapen. And one end is shorter than the other. I almost cried. But then I composed myself and thought, "Well, at least he can't mess it up by dragging it around the house. It's already messed up." And with that I wrapped it up and took it to my sister-in-law hoping she wouldn't be offended by the poor result. The good news is, first of all, it looks better in person and also when not laid out on the floor like this, and secondly, she loved it faults and all.


Kaitlin said...

I love the blanket. It's so cute! Hand-made things can never be perfect, because then they might think you just bought it. Looking at that picture I would have never thought something was wrong with it.

Lynn Leaming said...

I should show you one of my afaghans and then you would feel great about yours!! It will be special because it was made with your heart.