Monday, April 5, 2010

Running Partner

Here's an aspect of running that a beginner really shouldn't overlook: finding a good running partner. I lucked out because my running partner found me! It's really a crazy story. A few weeks ago, I decided that I was going to start exercising regularly. I didn't plan to run. I figured I would use the elliptical machine we have in the garage. I had just finished putting on my exercise clothes to use that darn machine for the first time when the phone rang. It was Karen asking if I wanted to go on a run with her...right then. I hemmed and hawed a bit and confessed that I was a terrible runner. I figured she would really regret asking me to run with her if I said yes. I told her I would have to walk a lot. She said it was fine. Since she had unknowingly called right as I finished getting my exercise clothes on, I took it as a sign that I should go exercise with her. And, I am so glad I did! She is the best running partner. Here are a few things I really like about running with her:

1. She talks constantly. This is impressive, because I can't carry on a conversation while running to save my life. This girl doesn't let a little cardio get in the way of telling a good story, and it sure does make the workout go by quickly.

2. She maintains the perfect balance of respecting my limits while encouraging me to press forward. It's so much easier to keep going when she is by my side.

3. She got me a present! I don't know what it is yet, but I know I'm going to love it. It's those small perks that keep my excitement level up about running.

4. She brings the tunes. She has an armband to carry her phone as it plays music. And, she has good music. That is very important.

5. I probably would skip workouts if I didn't have a person holding me accountable. It's not fun to run alone, so just her presence is making me run more often.

6. We're planning to enter a 5K together. I am positive I would never, ever do that by myself. In fact, I probably have no business entering one even alongside a friend. But I am confident that Karen will not be among those pointing and laughing.

The good news is even if I never get any better at running, I have greatly enjoyed the time I've spent with Karen. I look forward to continuing our exercise routine. I also hope that one day I'll be able to actually carry on my half of the conversation.


Carol said...

congratulations to both of you! to Becky for having the courage to even begin doing what she has said for years she would NEVER do, and to Karen for being the friend who is able to keep the encouragement going for Becky to want to do this.....and making the runs fun for both of you! I am i.m.p.r.e.s.s.e.d.

Unknown said...

That's great! How crazy that she called you when she did.