Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Made Pickles!

I picked some cucumbers from the community garden plot this morning and had my heart set on turning them into bread and butter pickles. I've never been one to let the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing stop me from accomplishing my heart's the research on canning began in earnest.

I read a ton about canning and looked through lots of pickle recipes. Then I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. I even got to use my fancy crinkle cutter to slice the cucumbers- first time to use that toy. Can you believe I had pint size canning jars in my laundry room cabinets? I don't recall buying those, but I sure was glad I didn't have to search the stores for them. I had to make a quick stop at the grocery store for mustard seeds and cider vinegar, but I had the other ingredients.

It didn't take a ton of time, and now I have 3 beautiful jars of pickles cooling on the counter. I just hope they seal properly and the experiment can be called a success. I'll keep one jar, give one to our friends who share our garden plot, and have one left over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

proud of you! those are beee-you-tee-ful! and am sure they will be delicious! I remember long ago trying to make pickles and I dropped a jar back into the pot of boiling water when sealed and it broke....there went that jar of pickles and the water was a mess. carol
google is not letting me use my account to post. aargh!